summary refs log tree commit diff stats
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* config drifted. HEAD trunkBenjamin Morrison2023-11-0611-501/+54
* transparency and font change for urxvt. switch i3 bindings for terms.Benjamin Morrison2023-02-202-19/+24
* kshrc/completionsBenjamin Morrison2023-02-172-0/+100
* alacritty font size, emacs packageBenjamin Morrison2023-02-172-1/+4
* update git, gpg, neomutt confs for new gpg key.Benjamin Morrison2022-10-154-4/+11
* update path in fish rcBenjamin Morrison2022-10-151-11/+6
* updated doom conf, bumped alacritty fontBenjamin Morrison2022-07-262-8/+8
* cleaned up touchpad tap enable script.Benjamin Morrison2022-04-201-4/+5
* touchpad tap enable script fixed for drifting prop IDsBenjamin Morrison2022-04-201-1/+7
* fish updates, nix fixBenjamin Morrison2022-04-202-1/+3
* added rust blogs to elfeedBenjamin Morrison2022-02-131-0/+2
* change id of touchpad in enable tap scriptBenjamin Morrison2022-02-121-1/+1
* change default browserBenjamin Morrison2022-02-121-1/+1
* moved battery to end of polybar, fixed trayBenjamin Morrison2022-01-281-7/+7
* fixed feed url in elfeed for bc secBenjamin Morrison2022-01-271-1/+1
* flatpak pathBenjamin Morrison2022-01-271-0/+1
* include date in polybar timeBenjamin Morrison2022-01-261-1/+1
* gtk theme set to arc-darkBenjamin Morrison2022-01-261-0/+5
* add jwz's blog to elfeedBenjamin Morrison2022-01-261-0/+1
* crawl dev blog added to feedsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-261-0/+1
* allow unfree packages in nix-pkgsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-261-0/+2
* new theme for polybar. moved old theme to polybar.oldBenjamin Morrison2022-01-267-5/+1459
* rofi font changed to fira code 11Benjamin Morrison2022-01-251-0/+1
* rofi config moved to new formatBenjamin Morrison2022-01-252-2/+5
* script to enable touchpad tapping / tap-to-clickBenjamin Morrison2022-01-251-0/+16
* nix locale fixBenjamin Morrison2022-01-251-0/+1
* changes for new machineBenjamin Morrison2022-01-2512-40/+40
* eshell enabled in emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-1/+1
* weechat relay client for emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-0/+5
* changed name of local config file loaded by doomBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-2/+2
* including covidate day-counterBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-0/+5
* deleting spacemacs config. doom-emacs is way better.Benjamin Morrison2022-01-231-519/+0
* enable code formatting in doom emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-0/+1
* lazily load elfeed config in emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-2/+3
* update python lang server command for neovimBenjamin Morrison2022-01-231-0/+1
* emacs circe configBenjamin Morrison2022-01-232-1/+4
* enable password-store integration in doom-emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-221-1/+1
* added another feed to doom emacs elfeed rssBenjamin Morrison2022-01-221-0/+1
* doom-emacs configurationBenjamin Morrison2022-01-223-0/+320
* nix env + ruby envBenjamin Morrison2022-01-221-1/+8
* added dir to dev treeBenjamin Morrison2022-01-221-0/+3
* emacs sort python imports on saveBenjamin Morrison2022-01-191-0/+1
* add python test runner to emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-191-0/+1
* cleaned up layers for spacemacs, added python options, added themesBenjamin Morrison2022-01-191-22/+23
* disable manual transparency commands for specific windows.Benjamin Morrison2022-01-121-5/+5
* change spacevim themeBenjamin Morrison2022-01-121-1/+4
* enable elixir-ls in emacsBenjamin Morrison2022-01-121-2/+2
* some updates for new mail domain, editor changes, $PATHBenjamin Morrison2021-12-295-19/+23
* clean out spacevim conf, add fish func to call vim without spacevimBenjamin Morrison2021-12-192-34/+4
* some minor changes accumulatedBenjamin Morrison2021-12-198-104/+97